Potato Harvest - What is it?

by Carla
(Tacoma WA)

I grow potatoes every year, but this year I found a surprise. On the end of a couple of potato plants are these little round fruits or vegies.

I have gathered them up. They look something like a tomato, a green tomato. They grow in groups of 3 to 5.

Are those little things eatable?

Thank you Carla.

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Sep 01, 2015
Potato Harvest. NEW
by: Shawn Wagner

It seems quite strange! How it possible, something like tomato is will grow there? Well, as you're saying they are like tomato but you are not confirmed so it's better don't try to eat them. It may something poisonous. I too grow potato every year but I have never noticed such stuffs. Thanks for sharing it. For better harvest you may prefer using Organic fertilizers as I'm using. Organic Fish Fertilizer. These are completely free from chemical compositions. Hope it's useful to you.

Apr 16, 2015
ahma philosphy
by: Vincent E. Burris

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Aug 02, 2014
Potatoe Berries
by: Mac 105

Potato Berries are poisonous. Do not eat them. I read somewhere if you pick off the flowers the plant will grow larger spuds as it prevents small seed potatoes growing. I'm not sure if it works but I do it anyway and get a good main crop.

Oct 01, 2011
Potato Berries
by: Headgardener

Thank you for posting Carla, I'd love to see a picture of your Potato berries.

I also found some unusually large berries lying on the soil around my plants. It fooled me for a moment. But if you check inside you'll find they contain seeds.

They are poisonous I believe. [Definitely not edible.]

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