Growing potatoes in lawn clippings....

by Jane To'omata
(Wellington, New Zealand)

Over the three years we have been living in our home, the corner of our backyard was assigned to the lawn clippings. I have a taro (elephant ears) patch right next to it and vegetable scraps are emptied in my patch daily.

Last year I threw some sprouting potatoes on top of the lawn clippings thinking they would break down and become compost.

I was really annoyed when I saw from my lawn clippings, sprouts from the potatoes I had thrown on it and would just kill them by pulling them out - had no intensions of growing potatoes you see.

This year, its happening again and I thought this time, I'll just let them grow. The leaves are a lush green and on digging in to have a peep at the baby potatoes, they'll be ready for Christmas!

There is so many in there I wont need to buy any for the next two seasons. I had no idea you could grow great potatoes in lawn clipping!

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Nov 08, 2015
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Nov 06, 2015
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Dec 03, 2012
Your Potato Heap is Recycling
by: The Organic Gardener

Great to hear from you Jane! And that is great news about growing potatoes.

Actually potato plants will even grow from potato peelings. The so-called 'potato eyes' are actually the plant buds that grow into new plants.

Potato peelings left on the compost heap and covered over won't grow far becuase it is dark. But when attached to the potato tuber they can draw on the starch and protein in the potato tuber to produce green leaves and a strong plant.

Lawn trimmings are recommended for mulching of potato ridges. They help retain moisture and keep the new tubers in the dark so that they don't become green themselves.

You are recycling all that goodness from the grass leaves to your vegetables. So this is a great way to try out a potato patch.

However, I'm not sure about whether there will be an additional risk from pest attack by slugs. Keep me posted...

I'd love to have some pictures of your new Christmas potatoes too. All the very best to you in New Zealand - have a healthy and happy organic Christmas.

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Organic Gardening News

by Andy scott

I had a good experience growing potatoes since it was my first time growing a potato crop. The joy of planting potato is much more than the final crop!

Proper structure is necessary, like porous sheet with holes for branches to shoot out, soil manure, water and nutrients.

Need to know more. Go to

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